Sunday, August 31, 2014

Timeline | 1983: Pole Postion for Atari 2600

Pole Position basically established the racing genre and was great fun both in the Arcades and on the Atari 2600.

Pole Position is the forerunner of the modern racing game, if you like Forza or Gran Turismo or even Mario Kart then you should pay homage to their great-great grandaddy.

The gameplay in Pole Position is very simple, you are driving a Formula 1 racing car and you go through a series of time trials, trying to stay on the track, avoid obstacles and get the best times.

A screenshot of the Arcade version of Pole Position
Released by Namco in 1982 (in Japan) and licensed to Atari for US Arcades and home consoles, Pole Position became the highest grossing Arcade game in the US in 1983 and Atari got right to work on a port to the Atari 2600.

Pole Position on the Atari 2600.
Fortunatley for games, unlike many late-era Atari 2600 ports, Pole Position made a triumphant transition to the Atari 2600. The graphics of the game were some of the best ever on the Atari 2600 (especially during its original run, some more modern home brews give it a run for its money though) and the gameplay from the arcade is almost 100% intact. Pole Position was great fun on the Atari 2600 and an awesome game to tide Atari 2600 owners over during the crash of 1983 while they waited for the NES...

Further Reading:


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