Friday, August 15, 2014

Gaming Timeline

I want to begin a series of posts about different games from the Atari 2600 to today's game. These would be a mixture of important, influential, or otherwise interesting games from the early stages of modern video gaming up to today. To be clear, I was not alive in the 70s (and for only a short time in the 80's) but many (if not most) of these games form the basis of my own gaming history and that of so many others.

The first few posts will be about some of the Atari 2600 games I've played and enjoyed and/or would like to or have liked to. From there we will move to the NES, GameBoy, Genesis, SNES, PS1, etc. Please don't think this to be my attempt at a list of all good games from any given system, year or time period, simply a list of games I played or might have played had I been gaming during said timeframe.

I hope you'll take a stroll down memory lane with me, my intention is to also play through many of these games and maybe draw some fanart, etc. I hope you enjoy!

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