Monday, October 6, 2014

Timeline | 1987: Kid Icarus

Another awesome experience on the early NES
Another game that was originally released for the Family Computer Disk System in Japan in 1986, Kid Icarus came to the US in July 1987 and was an awesome experience. The game was an action-platformer like so many other games that were popular at the time. The things that set Kid Icarus apart were the flying & shooting aspects (shooting light arrows from a bow of course) the upgrade items that would increase the potency of Pit's (the main character) bow as long as his health bar was high enough. The game also had a password system which allowed a player to come back to certain points in the game after turning off the system.

A screenshot from Kid Icarus on the NES
Kid Icarus was an important early entry on the NES. It was not the best selling (although it did do well over a million sales) and was only mildy critically acclaimed, but Kid Icarus was a unique setting and experience. The game was a stepping stone to developing the greater games that the NES is known for and gave the NES a great base to build from. A sequel, Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters would be released for the Game Boy in 1991 but the franchise would lay dormant for many years until a revival for the 3DS - Kid Icarus Uprising thanks mostly to the popularity of Pit in Super Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii.

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